Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Free Online Aktien Trading Unterricht

Best Online Stock Trading Sites Nicht in den USA Viele Firmen arent zur Verfügung für Menschen im Ausland leben, aber ein paar tun. OptionsHouse bietet Dienstleistungen für China, Deutschland, Hongkong, Indien, Singapur, Taiwan und das Vereinigte Königreich an. OptionsXpress unterschreibt Leute aus Australien und Singapur. Questtrade ist eine beliebte Option für kanadische Bürger, die in US-Märkte investieren wollen. Diese Bewertung ist nicht für Tag Händler oder hohe Rollen, die in der Lage, ein 10.000 Minimum in Schritt zu nehmen. Gespräche mit den Leuten, die mit einer bescheidenen Summe und dem gleichen smarts beginnen, wie die Millionen von anderen, die online handeln. Wir begannen mit einer Liste von 37 Aktienhandelsstellen, die derzeit in den US-Märkten tätig sind und verfügbar sind, und messen, wie sie sich von Klassen zu Taschenrechnern auf Blogs gestapelt haben. Wir haben auch um ihre Online-Reputationen gestoßen (was waren andere Leute sagen) und konsultiert mit Finanzexperten, was wirklich für neue Händler wichtig war. Eine Sache zu beachten: Während die Kosten der Provisionen die Menge einer Website Gebühren, wenn Sie einen Handel in unsere Entscheidungen, es didn8217t führen unsere Entscheidungsfindung zu machen. Mit den niedrigsten Provisionen haben wir oft gegessen, mehr von den Lern - und Service-Vergünstigungen zu opfern, was in Ordnung ist, wenn du weißt, was du tust (und viel davon mache), aber nicht so toll, wenn du gerade anfängst. Wenn Sie nicht ständig handeln, eine 5 oder sogar 9 Aktienhandel sollte nicht töten Ihre Träume von Ruhestand. Wir suchten eine erschwingliche Mindestinvestition. Wir kennen nicht viele neue Investoren mit einem Nissans im Wert von Bargeld liegen, so dass wir jede Website, die Sie benötigt, um mehr als 2.500 zu starten, über die Höhe einer anständigen Steuererklärung oder jährlichen Bonus. Das bedeutete, dass wir hier einige der großen Jungs schneiden mussten, wie Interactive Brokers, eine Website für aktive Händler, die in den letzten sechs Jahren eine 4-Sterne-Bewertung von 5 aus Barrons erhalten hat. Es erfordert eine 10.000 Mindestinvestition (oder, interessant, 3.000, wenn youre unter 25). Wir haben auch die TradeStation hinterlassen, die einen Ruf für eine der besten für aktive, anspruchsvolle Händler hat, aber erfordert ein Minimum von 5.000 zu bekommen. Wenn youre beginnend mit nur ein paar Dollar, hatten drei unserer Top-Picks kein Minimum zu Investieren: TD Ameritrade. Merrill Edge Und TradeKing. Konkurrenten schneiden: 7 Wir waren bis zu acht Finalisten. Wir haben in der finanziellen Sandbox an Orten gespielt, die Sie wahrscheinlich von: Scottrade, TD Ameritrade, Fidelity, Merrill Edge, OptionenXpress, ETRADE, TradeKing und Charles Schwab gehört haben. Unser Plan war, die restlichen acht Standorte zu nehmen und gefälschte Trades mit Demo-Konten zu machen. Unser Startszenario: ein neuer Investor mit ca. 2.500 aus einer Steuererklärung, der bereit ist, in das Investitionsspiel zu kommen. Zuerst wollten wir einen schnellen Handel machen. Wir hatten gelesen, dass LinkedIn ein heißer Vorrat war, also wollten wir definitiv etwa 1.000 dort ablegen. Dies wäre der erste Test: Wie einfach ist es einfach, eine Aktie zu kaufen, die du wisst, dass du willst, dass du in LinkedIn 1.000 kaufen willst. Sie müssen Aktien kaufen, die in Aktienkursen verkauft werden (im Gegensatz zu 1 Inkrementen), um die Anzahl der Aktien zu erhalten, die Sie wollen, müssen Sie den Betrag teilen, den Sie bereit sind, durch ihren Preis zu investieren. Um loszulegen, den Handel, seine ziemlich ähnlich über jede Website: Wenn Sie auf Handel klicken, werden Sie in ein Auftragsfenster eingegeben, um zu geben, welche Aktien Sie handeln möchten und wie viele Aktien Sie kaufen möchten. Sie können nicht einfach in den Stocks Namen entweder Sie benötigen das Symbol statt, so dass wir schätzen, wenn es einen Link zu einem Symbol-Lookup-Tool. Wir mochten auch, wenn es einen Rechner zur Zeit unserer Prüfung gab, war LinkedIns Aktie bei etwa 135, und es dauerte einige schnelle Mathematik, um herauszufinden, wie viele Aktien 1.000 betrug. (Zeigt auf Merrill Edge, dass sowohl das Symbol-Lookup als auch ein Slick-Rechner im Order-Fenster eingebaut sind.) Dann wollten wir neue Investitionen erforschen und entdecken. Für die restlichen 1.500 wussten wir, dass wir eine sichere Investition wünschen, um das Risiko zu diversifizieren und zu minimieren. Klassische Ratschläge (denken Sie: von Ihrem Großvater) ist mit AAA-bewerteten Anleihen zu gehen. Dies war der zweite Test: Wie einfach wäre es zu erforschen und finden eine sichere Bindung auf jeder Website Filtern und Anregungen Wenn es machte es leicht, Anleihen zu finden, sind Chancen itd in der Lage, Ihnen zu helfen, jede Art von Investitionen youd suchen Denn in der Zukunft. Hier war TD Ameritrade der Standout: Der Bond Wizard führte uns durch die ganze Forschung mit Samtseilen und machte es schmerzlos zu kaufen. Und wir wollten zur Börsenschule gehen. Fast jede Seite hat einen Abschnitt mit dem Titel Bildung oder Beratung und Beratung, aber sobald Sie in ihnen geklickt haben, wurden die Unterschiede deutlich. Einige Seiten gaben uns Dropdown-Menüs von Artikeln über verschiedene Themen, während andere uns mit Lernpfaden, kreativen Videos und Filteroptionen begeistert haben. Wir wollten auch in jede Website Ressourcen, einschließlich Taschenrechner, Kurse und Alerts zu sehen, welche Firma hat uns am meisten beeindruckt. Lets jetzt auf: Alle acht der Seiten, die wir erforschen, sind absolut verdient dein Geld. Sie haben erstklassige pädagogische Materialien, Werkzeuge und Unterstützung, und sie auch alle arbeiten. Unsere Picks basieren auf unseren Erfahrungen, aber egal was du wählst, youll in guten Händen. Unsere Picks für die besten Online-Aktien Trading Sites Fidelity Saubere Design wir lieben Blick auf, plus Schulung, um uns begonnen und Plattformen, um uns zu helfen wachsen. Wenn Sie ein neuer Investor mit mindestens 2.500 sind, ist Fidelity die beste Seite, um Sie in das Spiel zu bringen und Sie dort langfristig zu halten. Ab 2013 hatte Fidelity einen schrecklichen Ruf für schwierig zu bedienen, und es hat offensichtlich das Feedback ernst genommen im Jahr 2015, Fidelity überarbeitete alles von Technologie zu Infrastruktur zu Design. Wir haben festgestellt, dass seine aktualisierte Website eine perfekte Balance schlägt und uns genügend Informationen gibt, um das größere Bild zu verstehen, ohne uns mit Daten zu überwältigen. Von dem, als wir uns zuerst eingeloggt haben, erzielte es Punkte auf Design. Boom: Theres dein Kontostand, in großer Zahl oben links. Das ist die Frage, die wir alle am meisten wissen wollen, richtig: Wie viel Geld habe ich auch auch, Front-und-Center sind die Tage Gewinne oder Verluste. Innerhalb dieser Zusammenfassungsseite können Sie Module wie Balance History, Asset Allocation und Marktgraphen minimieren und erweitern. Als wir uns abgemeldet und wieder eingeloggt hatten, hatte es sich an unsere Vorlieben erinnert. In der Guided Portfolio Summary zeigt Ihnen Fidelity ein leicht verständliches Ringdiagramm Ihrer Asset Allocation, so dass Sie sicherstellen können, dass Sie diversifiziert sind. Besser noch, es markiert die Bereiche mit Symbolen: Ein orange, dreieckiges Vorsichtschild schlägt vor, dass Sie näher bezahlen eine gelbe Glühbirne sagt Ihnen, es hat eine Idee für Sie zu untersuchen und ein grüner Kreis mit einem Häkchen bedeutet youre auf der Strecke. Für Benutzer, die Anleitung benötigen, um zu wissen, wo sie sich vielleicht anpassen müssen, ist dies eine willkommene Hilfe. Treue hat an Dinge gedacht, die du nicht mal gewusst hast. Die Nachrichten über Ihre Investments Abschnitt bietet Artikel gefiltert, um Fonds, die Sie gekauft haben, so können Sie halten auf Nachrichten, die den Wert der Unternehmen, die Sie investiert in wir nicht sehen, dies so leicht verfügbar woanders beeinflussen könnte. Es gibt sogar ein Online-Notebook, wo man Ideen organisieren kann, um wieder zu kommen. Irgendwie gelang es Fidelity, in all diesen Extras hinzuzufügen, ohne die Seite zu stören. Das Planungs - und Beratungszentrum, das das Unternehmen auch im Jahr 2015 überholt hat, bietet Hunderte von Artikeln, Webcasts und Kursen, die Sie nach Medien, Thema und Erfahrungsstufe filtern können. Damit ist es leicht zu finden, was Sie brauchen, um richtig zu lernen, wenn Sie es brauchen Lern es. Wir plauderten mit Rob Beauregard, Direktor der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit bei Fidelity, der das erklärt hat. Das P038G Center integriert sowohl die Ruhestandsplanung als auch die Investitionsberatung in eine Ressource, um Investoren dabei zu helfen, einen Plan zu entwickeln, den Fortschritt im Laufe der Zeit zu verfolgen und zu bewerten, was bei Szenarien ist. Dieses Bildungsforum ist nicht das innovativste, das wir gefunden haben TD Ameritrade steht da draußen, aber es ist äußerst robust, gut durchdacht und geschickt ausgeführt. Die Sache, die Fidelity wirklich am besten ist, ist die Forschung. Barrons gab es eine 4,9 von 5 für Research Equipment und ein 4,8 für Portfolio-Analyse und Reports und wir können diese Scores hoch. Seine Berichte waren die besten, die wir gefunden haben, mit Informationen von 19 Firmen, plus Filter, um die beste Forschungsfirma für Sie auf der Grundlage Ihrer Präferenzen zu finden. Jedes Forschungsunternehmen ist auch für Genauigkeit bewertet, so dass Sie vertrauen können, dass die Informationen, die Sie erhalten, wertvoll ist. Um ein Gefühl der sozialen Stimmung zu bekommen, synthetisiert Fidelity sogar Beiträge von Social Media und punktet sie von minus 4,25 bis 4,25, so können Sie mehr als nur die Meinung von dem einen Kerl, den Sie auf Twitter folgen. Nicht sicher, wie Sie Ihren Kopf um jeden Bericht verpacken Fidelity bettet Links zurück zu seinem Learning Center, die es alle in Artikel und Videos nach Erfahrung Ebene bricht. Fidelitys ActiveTraderPro-Plattform ist für fortgeschrittene Händler konzipiert, und während wir nicht viel Zeit damit verbringen, es zu testen, hat es beeindruckende Features, die mit TD Ameritrades besser bekannte thinkorswim-Plattform vergleichen können. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach der gleichen Firma wie Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten wachsen und potenziell mehr aktiv werden, kann Fidelity definitiv unterbringen, aber Vorsicht, dass Sie mindestens 36 Trades pro Jahr machen müssen, um Zugang zu ActiveTraderPro zu erhalten, und Sie haben keinen Zugang zu Futures (Fidelity bietet dieses Produkt nicht an). Im Vergleich dazu kann TD Ameritrade jemanden, der Denker benutzt, auch wenn seine Fähigkeiten weit überlegen, was die meisten Anfangshändler jemals nutzen werden, und gibt den Handel auf internationalen Märkten, die Fidelity bietet, für Futures. Wenn Sie große Pläne haben, ein Tageshändler zu werden, der in Futures eindringt, schlagen wir vor, Fidelity zu überspringen und zu TD Ameritrade voranzutreiben. Bei 2.500 ist Fidelity mit Scottrade für die höchste minimale Balance unserer letzten acht Anwärter nicht ein riesiges Geschäft seit 2.500 ist nicht eine riesige Menge gebunden, aber es steht heraus im Vergleich zu TD Ameritrades 0 und ETRADEs 500 Minimums. Und während sein Aufstellungsort kundengerecht ist, sein nicht zu dem Grad, den wir mit ETRADE sahen. Was Sie bekommen, ist eine Menge Hilfe: Auf der Grundlage seiner fantastischen Ressourcen hat Fidelity mehr als 190 Büros in den Vereinigten Staaten, sowie Kundenservice Wiederholungen bereit zu helfen 247, ein Feature, das wir liebten und eine, die TradeKing, Scottrade , Und optionsXpress fehlt Mit einer Börsenkommission von 7,95 ist Fidelity auf Kosten für unsere Anwärter. (Von unseren Finalisten war die billigste Provision für Aktiengeschäfte 4,95 mit TradeKing, und die höchste war 9,99 für ETRADE und TD Ameritrade.) Aber wenn es um Fidelity geht, ist die Unterstützung, die Sie auf dem Weg bekommen, lohnt sich ein bisschen mehr zu bezahlen . Am besten zu wachsen mit: TD Ameritrade TD Ameritrade Es macht Lernen, um Spaß zu spüren, und hat so viele Plattformen Ihr Wachstumspotenzial ist unbegrenzt. TD Ameritrade war Hals-und-Hals mit Fidelity den ganzen Weg, und in ein paar Möglichkeiten beeindruckt uns noch mehr. Fall in Punkt: Seine Bildung Ressourcen, die TD Ameritrade im Wesentlichen in Spiele verwandelt, was Studien haben gezeigt, macht es eher youll tatsächlich bleiben engagiert und lernen mehr. Das Lernzentrum umfasst 100 Videos, neun Kurse und regelmäßige Webinare mit Ebenen und Optionen für jeden Benutzer, von Rookie Essentials bis hin zu Guru Essentials. Kürzlich aktualisiert in den letzten zwei Jahren, dies mehr als verdoppelt die Menge an Videos, die das Unternehmen zuvor hatte. Die Kurse sind kurze, animierte Videos mit großer Produktionsqualität und der beste Stil, den wir gesehen haben. Während andere Seiten Videos haben, die meistens aussehen wie PowerPoint-Präsentationen von sprechenden Köpfen, sind TD Ameritrades Lektionen karikaturartig und lustig, ohne käsig zu sein. TD Ameritrade8217s nutzt Samurai in einem Video, um Futures zu erklären. Diese interaktiven Kurse und Assessments testen Ihr Lernen, einschließlich der Portfolio Rookie Assessment, die jede Antwort sofort eingibt und wenn Sie falsch antworten, hilft Ihnen zu verstehen, warum. Auch jedes Video, das du siehst, erhält eine gewisse Anzahl von Punkten (diese addieren sich zu den Erfolgen), die du auf deinem virtuellen Trophäenregal von Stocks Rookie zum Portfolio Management Guru gewinnen und zeigen kannst. Zusätzlich zu den Video-Unterrichtsstunden bietet TD Ameritrade Live-Casts an, die Ihnen auch Punkte verdienen. Dazu gehören ein tägliches Morgenkind 15 Minuten relevante Nachrichten, Ankündigungen, Veranstaltungen und Einnahmen. Es endet auch jede Woche mit einer Wall Street Wrap-up, die die Marktaktivität für die Woche zusammenfasst. Mit all diesen Ressourcen können Sie einen Lernpfad ausführen, der für Sie arbeitet. Eine weitere Sache, auf die man sich freuen kann: Im Jahr 2016 begann TD Ameritrade den Prozess für den Erwerb von Scottrade. It8217s gehen eine Weile eine Pressemitteilung, sagt Systeme won8217t konvergieren bis 2018 aber Hinzufügen Scottrade8217s Top-Tier-Kundenservice zu einem bereits robusten Arsenal von Angeboten wird nur TD Ameritrade stärker machen. Das Lernen kann dich so weit bringen, wie du willst. TD Ameritrade hat drei Plattformen, und obwohl jeder für jedermann verfügbar ist (keine Pre-Reqs wie bei Fidelitys ActiveTraderPro), sind sie entworfen, um auf verschiedene Ebenen von Händlern zu appellieren: die Standard-Website, die gut für Anfänger thinkorswim funktioniert, für professionelle Händler und TradeArchitect, der den Sweet Spot zwischen den beiden anderen trifft. Wie bei Fidelity gibt es keine Decke für Ihre Fähigkeiten, aber TD Ameritrade bietet mehr konkrete Stepping Steine, um Ihnen zu helfen, auf und ab zu skalieren. (Wenn Sie den mobilen Handel mögen, kombiniert TD Ameritrades App-Ratings für seine Android - und iOS-Plattformen alle anderen.) Pros können TD Ameritrade8217s thinkorswim (oben) nutzen, während TradeArchitect (unten) auf Mid-Level-User gerichtet ist. Der einzige Ort TD Ameritrade verloren Punkte mit uns war auf Design. Es gibt ein Dock auf der rechten Seite, die Sie anpassen und minimieren können, aber das Haupt-Bindestrich ist nicht so flexibel wie Fidelitys oder ETRADEs. Theres auch ein Panel auf der Unterseite, dass man sich nicht loswerden kann, was uns ein bisschen verrückt machte, weil es uns überall folgte und den Bildschirm Immobilien aufnahm, wenn wir es vorgezogen hätten, es zu minimieren. Der Rest der TD Ameritrades Features war auf Augenhöhe mit Fidelitys, und in ähnlicher Weise bot es jede Art von Produkt mit Ausnahme der internationalen Märkte. Das heißt, um 9.99, es bindet mit ETRADE für höchste Kommission aus allen unseren Anwärtern. Beste Low-Cost-Option: TradeKing TradeKing Diese Seite ist einfach, funktional und die billigsten der besten. Das ultimative Ziel der Investition ist, Geld zu verdienen, und ein großer Teil des Geldes verdient Geld in den ersten Platz. Mit TradeKing erhalten Sie für 4,95 Aktien, die niedrigste unserer Top-Anwärter um bis zu 5 pro Handel auch für Broker-assisted Trades. Theres kein Minimum zu investieren, aber Sie müssen mindestens eine 2.500 Balance haben 12 Monate in, um eine 50 jährliche Inaktivität Gebühr zu vermeiden. Mit TradeKing, verlieren Sie die 247 Unterstützung, die Sie mit Fidelity und TD Ameritrade erhalten, aber soweit Service und Usability, das ist der einzige Ort, an dem es Punkte verloren hat. Es bietet fast so viele Investitionsmöglichkeiten wie unsere anderen führenden Kandidaten alles außer Futures und Handel auf internationalen Märkten. Das Design hier ist nicht zu wow Sie, aber es ist auch nicht schlecht. Sein einfaches und einfaches ist besser als die überladene Verrücktheit einiger anderer Aufstellungsorte. TradeKing bietet zwei webbasierte Plattformen an, die für Anfänger und TradeKing Live, einen Streaming-Service, den Sie wachsen können, wie Sie vorankommen. Wir fanden seine pädagogischen Materialien als ausreichend. Sie können viel auf dieser Seite zu lernen, und es macht eine großartige Arbeit der Organisation der Artikel von Sicherheitstyp, Marktausblick und Erfahrung Ebene (Rookies, Veteranen oder All-Stars). Das Unternehmen erhält auch zusätzliche Punkte für schnellen Kundenservice und aktive User-Foren. Allerdings bekommst du nicht die gleiche Hand-Holding, die wir wollten und an anderen Seiten mochten. Wie Kiplinger sagt, ist TradeKing für ernsthafte Händler gebaut, die aktiv und in großen Bänden handeln. Aber wenn Sie auf der Suche nach der billigsten Option, geben Sie diese Website ein gehen. Eine Sache zu beachten: TradeKing wurde vor kurzem von Ally Bank erworben, aber nach seiner Website wird die Schnittstelle gleich bleiben, und für die absehbare Zukunft gibt es keine Preisänderung für TradeKing-Kunden, darunter Securities, Advisors und Forex Clients. Andere Online Stock Trading-Sites zu berücksichtigen, Low-Cost-ehrenvolle Erwähnung: OptionsHouse Während OptionsHouse hat tolle Preise und ein niedriges Minimum, ist es, wie der Name schon sagt, vor allem für Optionen Trader, die die meisten Experten sagen, arent eine gute Start-Wahl für Anfänger. Allerdings können Sie immer noch Aktien, Anleihen und Futures dort kaufen, und es belastet nur 4.95 für Provisionen, also wollten wir es nicht ganz auslassen. Seine pädagogischen Ressourcen sind Optionen-schwer, aber es ist eine beliebte Plattform und man bedenkt, wenn nur für die Einsparungen. Ein weiterer Grund, es in Ihrem Arsenal zu behalten: Im Jahr 2016 wurde OptionsHouse von ETrade erworben und wir können beide Plattformen vorwegnehmen, die ihre Werkzeuge und Dienstleistungen integrieren, um ein wirklich robustes Kraftpaket zu werden. Für jetzt, aber Sie verlieren 247 Unterstützung wie TradeKing, aber OptionsHouse bietet Telefon, E-Mail und Chat, wenn seine offen. Bevor Anfänger sofort wollen, um es abzuschreiben: OptionsHouse Aktien Ihr Konto mit 5.000 von gefälschten Geld, so dass Sie ohne die Gefahr des Verlustes eines Penny üben können. Und wenn Sie Fragen zu Ihrem Portfolio haben, hat es ein einzigartiges Feature, wo fortgeschrittene Handelsspezialisten Bürostunden halten. Bestes für geringfügig höhere Rollen: Charles Schwab Charles Schwab ist ein wichtiger Marktführer, vor allem im Bereich der Forschung, mit Berichten von Morningstar, Argus, Ned Davis Research, Credit Suisse, Vickers, Reuters Research und S038P. Während dies nicht so viele wie Fidelity ist, bietet es auch eigene proprietäre Berichte, einschließlich Buy-Hold-Sell Meinungen, Empfehlungen und technische Kommentare zu Branchen und spezifische Investitionen. Für all diese Informationen sind seine Gebühren hoch-ish, aber nicht die höchsten, bei 8,95 für Aktienhandel. Wir waren begeistert von der begeisterten Handelsgemeinschaft und den Schwab Intelligent Portfolios, einer Art von Robo-Berater, der Ihr Portfolio überwacht und neu ausbalanciert, obwohl Sie in Ihrem Konto 5.000 in Ihrem Konto angefallen sein müssen, bevor Sie diese Funktion nutzen können. Es ist bemerkenswert, dass Charles Schwab Optionen1xpress im Jahr 2011 gekauft hat. Obwohl es noch keine Websites integriert hat, sagte das Unternehmen, dass der Plan. Für den Fall, dass ein Händler sich entscheidet, OptionenXpress sowie Charles Schwab zu nutzen, stehen ihre Kontoinformationen gemeinsam am Standort Schwab zur Verfügung. Best Integrated Banking: Merrill Edge Wenn Sie gerne Ihr Banking neben Ihrem Handel zu tun, und vor allem, wenn youre eine Bank of America Kunde bereits, Merrill Edge könnte das Richtige für Sie sein. Für Bank of America Kunden, die Vorteile gehören einfache Geldübertragung, ein Login für alle Ihre Konten auf einem Bildschirm und Rechnung bezahlen. Die meisten beeindruckenden war 8220My Financial Picture, 8221 ein Budget Tracker, wo Sie Ihre Transaktionen, ähnlich wie Mint markieren können. Wenn Sie nicht ein Bank of America Kunde sind, profitieren Sie nicht so viel von dieser Integration. Allerdings BoA Ressourcen helfen Rindfleisch Merrill Edges Bildung Abschnitt, mit zusätzlichen Forschung und Daten, um Ihnen zu helfen, intelligente zu investieren, wie Bank of America8217s Merrill Lynch Global Research, ein Analyse-Service mit Informationen über mehr als 3.000 Aktien. Die Portfolioanalyse X-Ray bewertet Ihre Portfolio-Performance auf Basis von Diversifikation, Sektor und geografischen Verteilung. Best Site Customization: ETRADE Sobald Sie sich anmelden, fragt ETRADE, welche Seite Sie als Ihre Zielseite verwenden möchten, wie zB Portfolios oder Konten. Das Design für seine 360 ​​Dashboard ist nicht so visuell erfreulich wie Fidelitys Armaturenbrett, aber seine Anpassung kann nicht schlagen. Jedes Widget (Watchlisten, Alarme und Balancen) kann in beliebiger Reihenfolge gezogen und gelöscht werden. Sie können sogar mit den Breiten spielen, wie die Panels angezeigt werden und die Ansicht anpassen. Es bietet auch ein anpassbares Alerts-Modul, wo Sie eine Aktie auswählen und auf eine beliebige Anzahl von Veranstaltungen aufmerksam machen können: hohes Ziel, niedriges Ziel, täglicher Prozentsatz nach oben oder unten, PE hoch oder niedrig Ziel und Volumen. Die Nachrichtenwarnungen lassen Sie wissen, ob ein Bestand Upgrades oder Downgrades, ist im Spiel, oder hat Einnahmen oder eine Split-Benachrichtigung. Und während es aussehen kann, können Sie nur die Alerts an Ihre E-Mail senden, es hat einen Workaround, um sie auch als Texte zu senden. Um eine Bindung zu finden, scheint ETRADE diese Informationen auszulagern, da wir an bonddesketrade geschickt wurden, was ein anderes Unternehmen ist: Tradeweb. Es sieht genauso aus wie ETRADEs Dashboard, aber du verlierst jede der anpassbaren Funktionalität. Die meisten personalisierten Service: Scottrade Wenn individualisierte Service ist wichtig für Sie, dann Scottrade wird Ihre beste Wahl sein. Die Anmeldung ist einfach, und sobald Sie dies tun, erhalten Sie einen Anruf, der Sie bei der Firma begrüßt und Sie wissen lässt, wo Ihr nächster Zweig unter seinen 500 liegt. Es beherbergt in-Person-Seminare mit Titeln, die von der Stärkung Ihrer Aktienanalyse mit Fundamentaldaten, um Diagrammmuster zu erkennen, um Möglichkeiten zu erkennen. Wenn Sie Fragen haben, stehen Ihnen mehr als 1.500 Investitionsberater zur Verfügung. Die Preisgestaltung ist auch unter den Top-Picks unter dem Durchschnitt, bei Aktienprovisionen bei 7 Wohnungen. Online, die Seite ist ausreichend. Wir waren mit dem Design beeindruckt (sind die Tab-Header pixelig) Aber seine Homepage hat tolle Anpassungsmöglichkeiten, und wir konnten alles finden, was wir brauchten, als wir es brauchten. Bleiben Sie dran für diesen Spieler, um ein wahrer Top-Anwärter zu werden. Im Jahr 2016 hat TD Ameritrade bewegt, um Scottrade zu erwerben, und der Deal wird voraussichtlich bis Herbst 2017 zu schließen, mit 8220an erwartete Clearing-Umwandlung in TD Ameritrade-Systeme im Jahr 2018.8221 nach einer Pressemitteilung. Mit Scottrade8217s Killer Kundenservice und TD Ameritrade8217s unglaubliche Service-Angebote, it8217s wird ein hartes Paar zu schlagen. Beste Online Stock Trading Sites: Summed Up Stocks. Ein Teil eines Firmenbesitzes. Stellen Sie sich vor, das Unternehmen ist wie ein Kuchen, und Sie bekommen eine Scheibe. Wenn der Kuchen wächst, wächst deine Scheibe. Also das wertvollere das Unternehmen, desto wertvoller die Aktie, die du gekauft hast. Leider ist das umgekehrte auch wahr. Stufe: Anfänger Option. Ein Vertrag zwischen einem Käufer und einem Verkäufer zu kaufen oder zu verkaufen etwas zu einem bestimmten Preis zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt, im Grunde als eine Möglichkeit, auf den zukünftigen Preis einer Investition zu wetten. Level: Fortgeschrittene Anleihen. Ein Darlehen, das Sie an ein Unternehmen oder eine Regierung im Austausch für Zinsen und die Rückkehr des Grundsatzes zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt machen. Wenn deine Stadt ein neues Stadion will, könnte es zum Beispiel eine Anleihe ausgeben, um dafür zu bezahlen. Diese Investitionen werden für die Sicherheit von Drittfirmen bewertet, wobei AAA am wenigsten riskant ist. Level: Anfänger Forex. Kurz für Devisen, die Fähigkeit, Währungen auf diesem Markt zu handeln, die die größte in der Welt ist, und spekulieren auf dem heutigen Yen, zum Beispiel wird morgen kosten. Level: Fortgeschrittene Futures. Kurz für Futures-Vertrag. Dies ist eine Vereinbarung zum Kauf oder Verkauf von Vermögenswerten wie Rohstoffen oder Aktien zu einem festen Preis zu liefern und zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt zu zahlen. Wenn Sie denken, dass Sie auf den nächsten Jahren Preis von Gold spekulieren können, ist dieser Fonds für Sie. Level: Fortgeschrittene ETFs. Kurz für Exchange Traded Fund Dies sind Investmentfonds, die wie eine Aktie an einer Börse handeln, aber ihre Performance verfolgt einen zugrunde liegenden Korb von Aktien. Sie bieten eine Diversifizierung innerhalb eines Anlageprodukts, so dass sie ein geringeres Risiko darstellen als Futures. Level: Anfänger Die Erwartung, reich zu werden, könnte dich dazu bringen, alles zu verlieren. Investieren ist vor allem eine Disziplin, also kommen Sie mit einer Investitionsstrategie und bleiben Sie dabei. Wenn irgendein Reichtum des Reichtums mit einem teuren Preisschild für Klassen oder Seminare kommt, ist es definitiv zu gut um wahr zu sein. Die durchschnittliche langfristige Rendite auf eine Aktie beträgt etwa 7 Prozent. Also, wenn du dich auf deiner Konten schwebt, geht es dir gut. Der häufigste Fehler, den ein neuer Trader macht, ist, dass sie einen Handel öffnen, der größer ist, als sie sollten. Sie bekommen alle in der Idee, dass die Börse ist der Topf Gold. Ein neuer Trader muss mit einer kleineren Größe handeln, als sie denken und glücklich sein, kleine Gewinne zu akkumulieren. Pete Garner Investment Schriftsteller Skrupellose Handelsfirmen sind auch eine Realität, also wenn Sie sich entscheiden, mit einem Unternehmen zu gehen, das nicht auf dieser Liste ist, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie mindestens 20-30 Minuten damit verbringen, es zu erforschen. Führen Sie von jedem, der Ihnen sagt, sie haben Insider-Informationen über einen Handel, oder Sie könnten die gleiche Rap-Blatt wie Martha Stewart. Sei auch vorsichtig bei jedem, der dich drückt oder dich so fühlt, dass es sich hierbei um eine einmalige Gelegenheit handelt. Insgesamt, sehr skeptisch, mach deine Forschung, und erinnere dich an theres keine so etwas wie ein kostenloses Mittagessen. Wie vielfältig Ihr Portfolio sein sollte, ist eine Frage, wie viel Risiko Sie annehmen können. Es ist eine altersbedingte Frage, sagt Randy Cameron, ein Portfoliomanager und Anlageberater mit 35 Jahren Erfahrung. Für eine jüngere Person, Id ist sehr aggressiv auf Exposition gegenüber Aktien, sowohl Groß-, Mittel-und Small-Cap-Aktien. (Hier steht Cap, steht für Kapitalisierung, das bedeutet nur, wie groß oder klein ein Unternehmen ist.) Id gewinnt sie bei 85-90 Prozent eines Portfolios, sagt Cameron, mit dem Gleichgewicht zu einer Anleihe, ETFs und etwas Bargeld. Jüngere Investoren oder Investoren ohne die finanzielle Verantwortung der Kinder, können mehr Risiko verursachen, erklärt Cameron. Aber wie Sie älter werden oder Kinder haben, möchten Sie Ihr Portfolio mit risikoarmen Investitionen ausgleichen, da Sie nicht so viel Flexibilität oder Zeit haben, um Verluste auszugleichen. Die Bottom Line Theres ein Risiko in der Investition, aber nicht vergessen, theres auch ein Risiko in nicht investieren fehlt auf die Macht der Zinseszins. Verwenden Sie eine Website, die große Lern-Tools und Ressourcen, diversifizieren Sie Ihr Portfolio, und bleiben diszipliniert und youll ein Schritt näher an die Sicherung Ihrer Zukunft. Fidelity Fidelity ist die beste Online-Börsenplatz für Anfänger und für Profis. Spiel mit deinem eigenen gefälschten Geld. Gib dir ein paar tausend in gefälschten Geld und spielst Investor für ein bisschen, während du den Hang davon hast. Fang einfach an. Auch mit nur einem virtuellen Portfolio. Start und dann begehen, um im Laufe der Zeit zu bauen, sagt Barratt. Don8217t erwarten, dass etwas wichtiges in kurzer Zeit passieren Sie Ihre Geld Muskeln, indem Sie Risiken in einem virtuellen Portfolio. TD Ameritrade bietet paperMoney, seine virtuelle Handelsplattform. Wenn Sie ein Konto eröffnen, bietet OptionsHouse sein paperTRADE-Konto an, um Ihre Strategien zu testen. Außerhalb der tatsächlichen Trading-Sites bieten MarketWatch und Investopedia Simulatoren an, um Ihnen den Start zu ermöglichen. Kaufen Sie, was Sie wissen. Unsere Experten schlagen vor, mit dem Blick auf dein eigenes Leben zu beginnen. Kaufen Sie, was Sie wissen, wo Sie sind. Wenn Sie können, identifizieren Sie gute Unternehmen vor Ort, sagt Cameron. Suchen Sie nach Firmen, die Sie und Ihre Freunde reden, diejenigen mit Plänen, national zu gehen. Wie viel Zeit und Geld, die Sie brauchen, beginnen Sie mit dem, was Sie haben, sagt Cameron. Es gibt buchstäblich kein Minimum, um loszulegen. Sie können eine Aktie einer Firma kaufen, wenn Sie möchten. Dont überprüfen Sie Ihr Konto zu oft. Die besten Investoren sind für die Langstrecke. Überprüfen Sie Ihr Konto zu oft können Sie auf die Schwankungen des Marktes zu schnell reagieren. Persönliche Finanzexperte Ramit Sethi hat geschrieben, dass Sie Ihre Investitionen, wahrscheinlich alle paar Monate, mit einer großen Überprüfung jedes Jahr überprüfen sollten. Auf vielen Seiten können Sie auch eine Warnung setzen, wenn ein Vorrat taucht. Anders als das, setze einfach einen vierteljährlichen, wiederkehrenden Termin ein, damit du dich zur richtigen Zeit kennst. Wenn Sie für den Ruhestand sparen, schlägt ein neuer John Oliver Skit vor, dass Sie in Low-Cost-Indexfonds investieren und es allein lassen. Sie sollten es über so oft wie Sie Google überprüfen, ob Gene Hackman noch einmal im Jahr lebt. Mehr Online Stock Trading Site Bewertungen Weve suchte in Online-Aktienhandel Websites für ein paar Jahre jetzt, und Sie können überprüfen, einige unserer anderen Bewertungen. Sie sind im Einklang mit unserer aktuellen Forschungsrunde (noch) so auf der Suche nach Updates in den kommenden Wochen: Inhaltsverzeichnis Wollen Sie als erster alles wissen. Melden Sie sich bei unserem Newsletter an. Plus, sofortiger Zugang zu unserem exklusiven Führer: Machen Sie die richtige Wahl: Eine 10-Minuten-Anleitung, um nicht auf Ihre nächste Kauf. Wir finden das Beste von allem. Wie wir mit der Welt anfangen. Wir verkleinern unsere Liste mit fachkundiger Einsicht und schneiden alles, was nicht unseren Standards entspricht. Wir testen die Finalisten. Dann nennen wir unsere Top-Picks. Support-Verstärker Resistance Levels: Unterstützung von Unterstützung und Widerstand Ebenen ndash Teil 2 Anwendung Trendlinien und Kanalanalyse, um Unterstützung und Widerstand Ebenen zu identifizieren. Verwenden von Unterstützungs - und Widerstandsebenen ndash Teil 3 Anwenden von gleitenden Durchschnitten zur Identifizierung von Unterstützungs - und Widerstandsebenen. Mit Unterstützung und Widerstand Ebenen ndash Teil 4 Anwendung Fibonacci Ebenen zu identifizieren Unterstützung und Widerstand Ebenen mit einem Fokus auf EMini Handel. Toni Hansen lehrt Sie einen neuen Weg zum Time Market Reversals (TradingMarkets) Im Laufe der Jahre wurden eine Reihe von verschiedenen Tools entwickelt oder genutzt, um Preismaßnahmen auf dem Markt zu analysieren und Händler und Investoren gleichermaßen in ihrer Entscheidung, wann zu kaufen oder zu verkaufen Eine besondere Sicherheit. Einige dieser Werkzeuge sind extrem komplex, während andere zu allgemein sind, um nützlich zu sein. Eine der Grundpfeiler für jeden Marktteilnehmer, der sich auf die technische Analyse stützt, ist jedoch die Wichtigkeit, in der Lage zu sein, grundlegende Unterstützung und Widerstandsniveaus zu identifizieren und anzuwenden. Dies sind Preisniveaus in einer Sicherheit oder der Markt als Ganzes, wo die aktuelle Preisentwicklung wahrscheinlich zu stoppen oder rückgängig zu machen ist. Unterstützungsniveaus werden seit Jahrhunderten verwendet und, einmal verstanden, können sie auf jeden möglichen Markt angewendet werden, ob seine Wertpapiere, Forex, e-minis, etc. (Klicken Sie hier, um diesen Artikel zu lesen.) Toni Hansens 3- Teil-Reihe auf Fibonacci ( TradingMarkets) In den letzten Jahren wurde viel über Fibonacci-Serie geschrieben und noch mehr seit der Veröffentlichung des berüchtigten DaVinci-Codes von Dan Brown. Einige der Bücher und Artikel waren ziemlich einfach, während andere außerordentlich komplex waren. Bevorzugte Einfachheit in fast allen Bereichen meines Lebens, wenn es darum geht, Indikatoren in meinem Handel zu verwenden, versuche ich auch zu vermeiden, mit erschreckenden Algorithmen überwältigt zu werden und eine Fülle von Linien und Squiggles, die meine Trading-Screens überwältigen. Als solches, in dieser dreiteiligen Serie auf Fibonacci, werde ich mit Ihnen in Laien sprechen, so dass auch diejenigen mit den grundlegendsten der technischen Analyse Fähigkeiten kommen mit einem Kern Geschick gesetzt, um sofort gelten, um Markt-Timing zu verbessern, Und dabei das gefragteste Ziel der konsequenten Profitabilität. Wenn ein Anfänger Trader zuerst auf den Markt kommt, wird sie mit Entscheidungen darüber, wo zu beginnen und was Ansatz zu nehmen, wenn es um den Handel und investiert zu bombardieren bombardiert. Es gibt so viele Arten des erfolgreichen Handels, wie es Händler gibt und welche Richtung ein Händler nimmt, ist eine sehr persönliche Entscheidung. Es gibt vier Hauptfaktoren, die man bei dieser Entscheidung berücksichtigen muss: Welche Art von Marktanalyse werde ich einsetzen Welche Märkte sollte ich konzentrieren Welche Strategien soll ich für den Handel verwenden Welcher Zeitrahmen sollte mein Hauptfokus sein Wie ein Händler jede dieser Fragen beantwortet hat? Wird von vielen Faktoren abhängen, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf, allgemeine Marktkenntnisse und Wissen, Geduld, emotionale Reaktionen auf Preisbewegungen und die Zeitspanne, die sie den Märkten widmen können. Let8217s schaut jedes dieser ein bisschen mehr Details an. Welche Art von Marktanalyse werde ich anwenden Diese Frage hat zwei Möglichkeiten: Fundamentalanalyse und technische Analyse. Fundamental analysis is based upon the belief that markets 8220misprice8221 a security in the short term, but that the 8220correct8221 price will eventually be obtained. This type of analysis is most commonly employed by long-term traders and investors using company data such as earnings and growth to provide a directional bias for a security8217s upcoming price movement. Technical analysis, on the other hand, is rooted in the premise that the price of a security already reflects all relevant factors such as earnings and cash flow. While many fundamental analysts use technical analysis to a certain extent, a pure technical analyst does not care at all about the fundamentals of a security. Instead, they look at price action within the security to guide them in predicting the security8217s next move. Personally, I am a pure technical analyst. Even though I know many fundamentalists who do quite well from an investment perspective, all of my own investment decisions are rooted in the analysis of the security8217s price activity. Which markets or security should I focus on In this day and age, the current market which is all the rage is the foreign exchange market (most commonly known as the Forex or FX market). This is the largest and most liquid market in the world and the where currencies are traded. An inherent danger involved in Forex trading is the amount of leverage many traders use. This means that they are often taking positions much larger than the cash value of their account. The risk of loss is thus greatly increased as well. The FX market is a 24-hour market, however, and is thus very popular since it can be traded by those who already have a full-time job outside the market. Another popular market is the options market. An option is a rather versatile security which can be used in a number of ways, such as speculating or hedging risk against an asset. For most traders, this is the most difficult type of security to learn to trade successfully and tends to have a longer learning curve than when compared with the others. A fourth popular market is the commodities market. This is also known as the futures market. The most popular futures are the E-Mini index futures. These include, but are not limited to, the mini-sized Dow Jones Industrial Average (the YM), the E-Mini SampP 500 (the ES), the E-Mini Nasdaq 100 (the NQ), and the E-Mini Russell 2000 (the ER). This market is popular for many of the same reasons as the Forex market. It is also nearly a 24-hour market and offers large leverage without the requirement of a large cash account. Then there is the straight stock market. This market involves the purchase of the absolute shares in a company. In order to open and close numerous positions within one trading day in the stock market, you must maintain an account of at least 25,000. Which strategies should I employ for trading This question deals with style and the tools a trader uses when analyzing a potential trade. Many traders will use indicators such as moving averages, Fibonacci levels, stochastics, etc. to help provide them with a directional bias in terms of a security8217s price. The rule of thumb that I recommend is to not stray too far from the mainstream and not to become too overloaded with numerous indicators. Many indicators, such as moving averages, have a bit of self-fulfillment to them and can be quite useful to a novice. Traders expect the moving averages levels have an impact on prices and hence make trading decisions based upon them. Of course, this is only part of the picture, but still food for thought. The main problem with indicators is that many traders will ignore underlying price activity and when the indicators are giving contradictory signals it creates confusion. Many indicators will also tend to lag price movement and hence by the time a trader initiates a position based upon an indicator, they have already sacrificed a large portion of a security8217s price movement and potential gain. In addition to indicators, a trader8217s strategy will also involve decisions such as which charting methodology to use. The most popular are line charts, bar charts, point and figure chart, and candlestick charts. Next, a trader must decide which signals to use on the charts themselves in addition to any indicators. A popular strategy is to trade breakouts from a trading range. Another is to focus on trend-following methods such as buying pullbacks in a security which is moving higher. Most trading systems and strategies are not this simple, however, and must involve entry and stop techniques, as well as profit-taking techniques. It often takes a great deal of trial and error for a trader to begin to recognize which set of market conditions give them the most accurate readings and hence the best positions. Nearly all the time I spend with my mentoring clients is devoted to developing their own systems of trading which focus on honing in on their own personality traits and expertise as applied to the market. The decisions involved in this part of the process are often the most difficult and I would highly recommend keeping a detailed trading journal. Just don8217t forget to include charts Which time frame should be my primary focus It is here that a trader is pressed with the question of just what to call themselves, but it is one that is more a matter of pure semantics and has less to do with their success or failure than the other decisions thus far. The question is merely rooted in which time frame the trader wishes to focus upon. A trader that looks to get into and out of a move intraday just based upon an initial movement in terms of momentum is called a scalper. They may only hold things for several minutes at a time. A trader who is in an out of most of their positions within a single day is labeled a daytrader. A trader who holds a position for several days on average is called a swingtrader. A trader who holds for several weeks to several months is often referred to as a core trader or a position trader. A trader who looks to hold a position for several years is often not called a trader at all, but is instead termed an investor. Each time frame can involve a somewhat different mentality in that the emotional and risk aspects of trading on the different time frames tend to affect people differently. Some people have a difficult time holding positions overnight and loose sleep worrying about what could happen. These traders are best cut out for intraday trading. Others find that when they trade positions intraday they take their gains and losses too quickly and don8217t let the positions play out. They may be better off backing off to a larger time frame and checking on open positions much less actively. Most strategies and pattern-based setups, however, will work on any time frame, no matter which a trader wishes to focus upon, and I trade my same system on all of the above time frames, but will employ some strategies more often on position trades in stocks than on daytrades in the E-Minis simply because of opportunity and timing factors. Do not get too obsessed when you first begin trading to make sure you fit perfectly into one category or another. I began my career purely as a swingtrader, looking only at daily charts of stocks, but now I not only swingtrade, but hold longer term, scalp intraday, and daytrade. I also trade more markets than simply stocks these days as well, most notably the E-Mini futures. I found that while I certainly have a core style and system in place, I apply it to many markets and time frames and have a rather extensive arsenal to allow me to adapt to changing market conditions flawlessly. Just realize that no one begins medical school to become a neurologist by only taking the classes that specialize in that field. Not only does that specialty alone involve knowledge of other aspects of medicine than just the brain, but the student might find out rather quickly that they simply are not cut out for it and end up in a completely different area of expertise Feel free trying out a number of different strategies and markets to begin with. Just be responsible about it and keep risk to a bare minimum until you find the best fit Toni Hansen, Full-time trader and mentor To learn more about Toni8217s trading style and the strategies she utilizes to consistently pull profits from the markets, check out her detailed CD course: 5 Technical Signals You Should NOT Trade Without at swingtrader . Click here for more information on Toni Hansens Latest Educational Bundles The market is an ever-changing entity, each day presenting us with different and unique scenarios with no two days every the same. Nevertheless, the market is more or less a reflection of peoples ideas and attitudes and while it is also true that no two people are alike, each and every one of us has something in common with someone else, whether it8217s the way we get out of bed in the morning or the foods we prefer to eat. Additionally, we tend to repeat actions, such as preferring to brush our teeth at a certain time of day or making sure we try to catch the Thursday night prime time television shows. No matter which angle you look at it from, humans are creatures of habit and this tendency gets reflected in a security8217s price movement. Its what makes technical analysis a reliable and profitable method for analyzing the market. Unfortunately, technical analysis is not always cut and dry. The same core pattern does not work the same way in every market environment. For instance, one of the setups I often look for on a daily chart is a 3-5 day pullback in an uptrending stock for buying opportunities. Where newer traders tend to get in trouble, however, is taking such a setup to mean that every time an uptrending stock pulls back 3-5 days and then breaks the previous days highs that it means they should buy it. In reality, there are always exceptions and its learning what these are that can be the dividing line between those traders who are successful and those who fail. In this example, how a security pulls back in a primary uptrend, as well as overall market conditions, will greatly influence whether taking such a pullback as a long is really worth the risk to reward. In some cases it is not. The ability to adjust to changing market circumstances is just one of the traits of a successful trader. In truth though, there are quite a few. Over the years I8217ve mentored quite a few traders. Many succeeded, but many of the traders I have spoken with over the years have failed. I have observed a number of traits which are present in those who succeed. Some of the top traits of successful traders are as follows: 1. They stay neutral 2. They have a business plan 3. They keep a journal 4. They focus on several techniques that suit them well 5. They are great money managers 6. They are comfortable with risk and uncertainty 7. They accept personal responsibility for all of their trading action and 8. They use risk capital to trade. Youre probably wondering away just what do I mean by 8220staying neutral.8221 When you are chatting with your trading buddies online or reading a message board and all you hear are how the market maker or specialist is out to get them, or how one minute they are a market god and the next they have what is certifiably the worst luck in the entire world, then you are dealing with a trader that is NOT staying neutral They are letting each trade or each trading day rule their emotions and this pressure builds upon itself, making it very difficult to succeed. The professionals dont let the day to day oscillations in their accounts faze them. The results of one day of trading, or even a few weeks or a month are not as important to them as the average over time. Among most of the professional traders I know, you cannot tell by their mere appearance whether or not they had a great day in the market or if they lost. Sure, they may tell you one way or the other. We are not robots devoid of all emotion after all, but when we leave the market for the day after a difficult session, we are able to disassociate it from the rest of the world and don8217t spend the rest of the day complaining or moping around the house thinking that entire world must be out to get us. Similarly, on a great day, we do not call up every person we can think of and tell them how we rule the market universe. Extreme emotional responses either way will often lead to greater difficulty in the market since emotions take over from reason and can often override it, making it difficult to remain objective. 2. Have business Plan Most successful traders also have a business plan. As in any other profession, it8217s important to know what it entails in order to succeed. As in any business, this consists of a set of rules or guidelines to help keep the trader on track and from making decisions purely on a whim. Would you open a restaurant with out a plan No, or at least I really hope that you wouldn8217t A new restaurant owner must take into account the type of cuisine they wish to serve, the deacutecor of the restaurant, the hours of operation, to whom they are catering as clientele, etc. As in the restaurant business, traders must also have a business plan. A partial list of the questions you should be asking yourself and including in your trading plan are as follows: How must time will you spend study and trading What techniques and strategies you will focus on What are the expenses involved in becoming a trader What is your maximum loss limit, not only per position, but on your account as a whole What are your objectives etc. The more comprehensive your plan is, the better. You can always go back and change it, modifying it to suit your development as a trader. I find that it is very helpful, for instance, to go back and read over my techniques and goals whenever I am in a slump and my progress has stalled. It helps me maintain the right frame of mind so that I can push forward. One of the first questions I ask any of my new clients is whether or not they have a trading journal, and if you, what does it consist of. Most traders don8217t even have a journal. Those that do have one typically keep it in a spreadsheet format. This offers very few insights into a trader8217s personal style and strengths and weaknesses. Some things to consider when developing a trading journal are: What techniques were used in locating the position Did you follow your entry, stop and exit criteria What pros and cons did the setup have What, if anything could you have done better and what are you most proud of It is also important to print out a chart of your trade. Mark both the entry and exit on the chart. If necessary, print it out on several time frames to show the details of the position. 4. Focus on Several Techniques that Work Well Let8217s take a minute to look at a typical college student. What kind of person majors in general studies Unless they go on to focus on a specific occupation in graduate school or law school, etc. well-paying jobs will be hard to find for most of these students upon graduation. Instead, for those who focus their studies in one field, and more specially, one subdivision of that field, demand for their skills will be much higher. If you focus on just a few techniques, it allows you to really become an expert on the technique you are using. Great traders have several strategies that are their bread and butter plays and they will focus on them for as long as the market conditions favor them. Remember: The jack of all trades and master of none is usually a low-paid, unskilled worker. 5. Being a Great Money Manager Great traders are also great risk managers. They respect the risks they are taking and on each trade they risk a small amount of capital. Usually this is 14 to 1 per position (and no more than 2). The idea is that you cant trade tomorrow if you blow out today and if you cant trade you wont be a great trader, now will you Great traders protect their accounts. Its their baby. Each position is so small they dont really care what happens with it. Its just a nick. win, lose, or draw. So, if they have a 200K account and are risking 14 on each trade, if they take a stop they are out 500. Thats a very small amount of money compared to the account. They can take a couple of hits and still be in the game. 6. Being Comfortable with Risk and Uncertainty The sixth trait of great traders is that they are comfortable with risk. Lets face it, trading is certainly risky and if you are afraid of the risk you wont last. If you are afraid you will lose money, then I can say with near-certainty that you will. Great traders are comfortable trading a pattern that is not a 100 sure-thing, because there simply is no such thing. Many new traders have a terrible time with this: the uncertainty of a trade, but you must over come it. It is very easy to allow yourself to become frozen with fear over the risks and uncertainties of trading. Great traders get beyond it. 7. Accepting Personal Responsibility Great traders accept personal responsibility for everything they do, even to an extreme. If I loan you 100 and you never pay me back, then yes, perhaps you are not a very honorable person, but I also made a poor choice to lend you the money in the first place. I made that choice, however, and I must accept personal responsibility for that action. The same concept applies to trading. Many traders, lacking the expertise and confidence to make all their own decisions to begin with, will rely upon others for advice. The input may come from CNBC or it may come from a newsletter service or trading chatroom or message board. It doesn8217t matter where you get the original idea from, it is still up to you to implement it or not and you have the due diligence to stand behind your decisions and make them your own, whether they succeed or fail. 8. Using Risk Capital to Trade Finally, great traders use risk capital. This should be obvious. They trade with money they can afford to lose. It is very difficult to trade well if you are worrying about paying your mortgage or putting food on the table. I8217ve also seen a number of traders over the years take out equity loans to open a trading account. You are supposed to be limiting your risk and outside stressors, not adding to them if you wish to succeed. If you think you can be one of the exceptions, then you should really think again Trading with risk capital frees up your mind. It lets you trade and not worry about every little stop you have. You can just focus on trading correctly instead of trying to force yourself to meet certain financial needs. They say scared money never wins. Well, I have yet to see a person who has no other source of income or savings make a living off their 5,000 trading account. Many of these traits may take a bit of time to acquire. Overcoming the fear of loss, for instance, haunts many, but by focusing upon these traits and characteristics, my hope is that you may model your own frame of mind to those who have come before you and have made the leap to a successful and long-lasting career in the markets. It is said that the majority of successful people in the world became such by following in the footsteps of others, their mentors. Even if you do not have one specific person in mind, familiarizing oneself with the traits of those whom have succeeded before you is a great place to begin Toni Hansen, Full-time trader and mentor To learn more about Toni8217s trading style and the strategies she utilizes to consistently pull profits from the markets, check out her detailed CD course: 5 Technical Signals You Should NOT Trade Without at swingtrader . My style of trading is based upon technical analysis. This means that I look for patterns in price movement to give me a directional bias for a security or the overall market itself. In this segment I will share with you a couple of the technical tools which I use to assist me with locating the highest probability positions each and every trading day. There are a number of styles of charting which can be used by a trader to view price activity in a security. The most common ones are line charts, bar charts, point and figure charts, and candlestick charts. My preferred charting style is candlestick charting. I find that this gives me the most visual representation of price action and most of us do very well with visual stimuli. Candlestick charting was first developed in Japan approximately 4 centuries ago. The fact that it is still in use today is testimony to its perpetual nature. The first step to understanding candlestick charting is to understand how to read a candlestick. In the common Western-style bar chart a vertical line represents the highs and lows during a span of time, while a small horizontal line on the left represents the price trading at the beginning of that segment of time and a small right horizontal line represents the last price traded during that span of time. The charts below show a typical Western bar chart on the left with its candlestick equivalent on the right. As you can see, it is much easier to see the buying versus the selling in the candlestick chart at a glance than in the bar chart. The middle of the rectangular or square area is called the 8220body8221 of the candlestick, while the lines above andor below the body of the candlestick are called 8220shadows8221 or 8220tails.8221 The Japanese consider the body to represent the essential price movement with the shadowstails being mere price fluctuations. This does not mean, however, that the tails are not important. As you will learn, the entire price range of a candlestick is important in determining the direction the stock will most likely move, but the body of the candlestick is a pivotal determining factor. The following images display typical candlestick pattern formations and how to read them. In the cases where the opening price is lower than the closing price, the candlestick bar is called an 8220up8221 or 8220open8221 candlestick. They are considered to be bullish. I use white to represent open candlesticks, but green is another popular color. When the open of a candlestick bar is higher than the closing price, then the candlestick is considered bearish and is called a 8220down8221 or 8220closed8221 candlestick. I use black to represent this type of candlestick, although red is also frequently used. An Introduction to Trends One of the first things an aspiring trader needs to learn is what a trend is and how you go about identifying a trend. A trend is the primary direction of price movement in a given time period. A stock may have a number of different trends going at the same time so it is important to determine the time period you want to focus on. The trend we use most often in swing trading is the daily trend but you should also be able to identify the weekly and intraday trends as well. Simply put an uptrend is a series of higher highs and higher lows while a downtrend is a series of lower highs and lower lows. The third type of trend is a sideways trend. This occurs when prices move up and down within an established range. The following image is designed to give you a basic idea of what the three types of trends look like. In an uptrend note how each new high is higher than the previous one while each successive low is also higher. Often the high of the last swing in the trend will serve as support for the next low. These areas are circled. In a downtrend note how each low is lower than the previous one while each successive high is also lower. Often the low of the last swing in the stocks trend will serve as resistance for the next high. These are also circled. Trading with Indicators I am not a huge fan of using indicators in my trading. Indicators are visual tools which traders and investors add to their charts in order to emphasize certain attributes of a price or volume move. Many traders swear by them, but I tend to hold the point of view that too many indicators will draw attention away from the underlying price activity and lead to false readings of price development. The general rule of thumb which I would use when considering the use of a particular indicator is that the more mainstream and popular it is, the more it will often tend to work, although I8217m sure some may indeed disagree with me Nevertheless, if possible, keep the number of indicators you use to a minimum. One of the most popular indicators used by traders today is the moving average. A moving average is used to show the average value of a price data over a period of time. A simple moving average (sma) gives equal weight to each time period of data, whereas another popular moving average known as the exponential moving averages (ema) gives more weight to the most recent data. While both simple and exponential moving averages work quite well, when I use them, I use simple moving averages whose prices are based upon the closing price of each bar used in the calculation. For instance, if I am looking at the 20 day simple moving average, then I am looking at the average closing price on the day over the past 20 days of trading. Moving averages are a form of support or resistance. Support and resistance levels are zones in which a price move is likely to stall or reverse. Moving averages are typically sloping in a trend move. In an uptrend, a moving average such as the 20 period simple moving average would be a bullish support level and when a security pulls back into that support level it is likely to bounce off it and continue higher. The more extended the uptrend, however, the less likely it becomes that the security will move quickly off the support. The following chart of Dryships Inc. (DRYS) shows two typical reactions to a moving average support level. The first example is in July when DRYS pulls back very sharply into the 20 period simple moving average. In this instance the moving average stalls the descent and pushes DRYS into a longer trading range on the daily time frame. In September the moving average hits again. This time the pullback into the support is more gradual and on lighter overall volume during the correction off highs. This time the support level holds securely and the stock begins to once again advance quickly to new highs. Notice, however, that in each instance, the moving average does not halt the pullback exactly. Support levels should not be thought of in terms of an absolute price, but rather a price zone. The same is true with all indicators. Toni Hansen, Full-time trader and mentor To learn more about the specific details of Toni8217s methods for analyzing and trading the markets and obtain a strong grasp on the concepts touched upon in this introduction to technical analysis, check out her Video course: 5 Technical Signals You Should NOT Trade Without. This course takes traders well past the core concepts laid out here and leads traders to a better understanding of their advanced applications and uses in trade strategy development. Arun the Stock Guru - Stock tips, Trading Tips, Bse Nse, Share market live, Sensex, Indian Stock market The company was suggested to the premium members few weeks ago. It has moved a good 30 since then. Still looks a company with multibagger potential. People interested for our coming Mumbai workshop as well premium small cap services pls fill the below form. For assistance do whatsappcontact Ujjal at 9831291631 or dip at 9007652301. Improvement in operational efficiency by reduction of manpower and raw material cost (thereby improving ebidta margin). Being 70 yr old co. the cos main strength is offering diverse product range amp designing and customising products according to the clients requirements. Supplying products amp services to almost all the Fortune 500 companies. Improving topline and market share in Railways amp Defence segment, incurring RampD expenses to develop and introduce new technology driven products and thereby improve application of product line in steel, sugar, textile, cement, energy etc. Trying to get back in defence business where we were 15 yrs ago. Looking forward for better results in Q3 and Q4 due to good order inflow for (Mysore plant for oil fill transformers) and growth seen in the abovementioned sectors. Getting orders (revenue) is not a problem for the co, main aim is to reduce the working capital debt and interest burden cost amp improve distributor network. Certain defence orders are in L1 stage(lowest bidder in tenders). Expect huge market for renewable energy in India. Cos top mgt executives have been touring and meeting power station companies. The co will bid for a Water Grid project (Irrigation scheme - provide drinking water from various rivers near AP to all its various cities) and expecting to get an order worth 50 Cr in Telengana state for supplying 1000200 high and low voltage Pump Set (of 12 Lac each). Execution will come in Q3 amp Q4. Recently, the co has got solar project order worth 60 Cr. It is the biggest opportunity for revenue growth. Restructuring undertaken with banks in 2014 for working capital and improving cost of capital. The co has been gradually reducing the Deposits (of 24 Cr) and ICD (of 22 Cr). Make company debt free over a period of time by disposing non core real estate assets of the co. in Hubli of 100 acre near hubli airport, initially earmarked 20 Cr, which will fetch them 120cr (waiting for approval from the state govt to ride over the crisis), Mysore - 5 sites worth approx 50 Cr, Regional Office spaces in Delhi, Hyd, Pune, Bglr etc. (probable model to be adopted by the co. is disposing of and taken back on rental basis). Reducing debt with corporation bank. Total real estate non-core assets of the company is more than 1000 Cr. My view: Recent step taken by the mgt regarding sale of treasury stock worth 18 Cr and QIP issue of 37 Cr was one of the brave and bold step. It has brought positivity and optimism among all the employees of the company and they will work really hard to bring it back to the top. Initial issue of working capital is solved and they have started concentrating on the business. Scuttlebutt from the biggest distributor who is with the company for last 20 years:- If you order LVM motors today u will get it tomorrow. So there is no problem of dispatch in standard motors but if you demand for specialized one then depending upon size, features delivery time gets from 1 month to 6 months. Recent speech from Chairman was fantastic. Expecting very good profit in next 2 years Crompton and abb are also aggressive. This company has huge land bank in banglore and hubli. 8226Ravi series is doing good because of terminal arrangement on top amp side both available. Earlier only side terminal arrangement was available but now both.70 to 80 more efficiency achieved in ravi series, complaint have came down drastically. In terms of sales amp network, the company is like maruti amp lupin. They have purchased new land 5 to 6 years back. It is Trying to increase market share. It is trying to hire big guys from market. 2 to 3 wrong people have chaired in the company due to which last 5 to 7 years were not good. New MD had come recently and is cleaning all dust from the company. He removed all wrong people, all inventory were cleaned. Also fired people who were thinking company like government organization. New MD is silent and aggressive. I have personally felt that he is working very hard. In my 15 to 20 years of experience at the company I can definitely say that things are improving sharply and next 2 to 3 years will be fantastic. I am very optimistic. Trying for new supplier with new people. New MD is pure finance guy and cleaning all inventory. I have personally seen all plants of it and felt that, recently accountability amp responsibility has improved for each and every person. Getting quarries from lost customer which is big achievement as of now. In terms of brand, Crompton, this company, abb is preferred (Order). What happens when a family managed company with good products and a great brand recall changes its PSU approach to be a well managed private one Thats precisely the story of this company. They have given two professional rockstars a free hand to run the show. VB, who was the CFO of the company got promoted to be the MD around 2015. AH, the star salesman with wealth of experience in the industry took the charge of being the sales head. They are churning inside out to transform the company and take it to the coveted league. The problem of the company started with the acquisition of LDW in 2008,a German company known for its technology. The recession followed which made the matter worse for the company. Inspite of every possible support from the Indian parent the German subsidiary couldnt turnaround. Few quarters back it finally gave up and booked the losses. They have imbibed the German technology and with the sector it caters to looking up, better days finally prevails for the company. The company posses rich non core assets to the tune of over 1000crs(mostly land parcels and factories which are not needed). They are in active dialogue to dispose of the same worth 400crs and make the high debt entity a debt free one. Over the course of next 2-3 years, Company would be a lean entity with no more interest cost obligations. Would be prudent to note that the present interest cost of the company would be near 40crs. The end users of its products aka the sugar, power, steel and cement industries have started seeing times changing for good. If your output user marks a rich turnaround, the vendor too will turnaround right Often common sense is very uncommon, notably in case of retailers in terms of selecting listed entities. Our channel checks from its dealers network across the country vindicates the point on the demand front. Customers are having a waiting period of 2-3 weeks for its Ac-Dc motors. Dealers also suggests about the renewed focus from the companys end. It has a near monopoly status in Oil Filled Transformers where its seeing huge demand. Last year they did around 18cr sales. This year they already have orders worth 90crs in hand, comes with double digit EBITDA margins. The company always had orders but owing to working capital crunch they couldnt execute most of it. The condition went so precarious that it had to resort to selling its treasury shares in and around December 2015. It garnered 20crs and finally scripted a turnaround after a very long time. They did a QIP of 36crs recently at 46rs which would further provide relief and help it to achieve the 700crs targeted topline figure. Whats a blessing in a disguise How about accumulated losses of hundreds of crores in its book which means no tax obligation till it surpasses the accumulated losses within the tax window of 7 years. Management did clarify about no MAT either. Conclusion: After exactly 8 quarters or in the December 2015 numbers, company finally came in green. Last 2 quarters been profitable too for the company. It targets a 30 growth where its sales are expected to surpass 700crs this fiscal. Estimated EBITDA of 9 gives us a PAT figure of around 15crs(63crs minus interest cost of 36crs and depreciation of 12crs and with no tax obligation). Company quotes at 23 times fy16-17 earnings. Fy17-18 will see it clocking 880-900crs of sales with higher margin orders. EBITDA expected of around 11 makes the company quote at just 7 times. Turnaround bets are greeted with higher valuation and with the company catering to core sectors, it would always quote in a range band of 15-20. Peers group which are notably the behemoths, your Alstom, Siemens and Abb of the world are quoting at over 30 times fy18 earnings. Also as mentioned earlier in the reports they are targeting to be a debt free entity over the next 3 years. In case that happens, Company could well pen a scripture for itself with shareholders making multi fold over the next couple of years. A delight of a bet in a quintessence meant for your core portfolio. Now dont bother asking the target folks. The quintessential 8 para to know everything about your desired microcap. Lets run: 1)Quote:This is not a fresh stock idea but an extension of the previous post. The intention is to have a detailed coverage of those 5 companies. The desi cloud player one was already long done. Todays note pertains to the 3rd company of the previous post. Indebted to dearest brother Bhaumik for his assistance and scuttlebutt. Its been on a good ride since few days for reasons not known to me. Its an expensively valued stock for sure at present levels( been an expensive stock always yet a 5 bagger in last few quarters).Oh yah, Damn Trying the SEBI compliant way of penning again. 2)Story: 1200 cr Group based out of Kochi 8211 their flagship company is E. Condiments (into spices and curry) with 900 cr. revenue 8211 held 74 by promoters and 26 by Mccormick (US based Fortune 1000 company that manufactures spices, herbs, flavourings). Other group companies are ET(tyre retreading), E. Mattress (beddings with Sunidhra brand) Eastea (into teas), King Richards (garments). There are no cross holdings among group companies. ET is the only listed company and it8217s likely to remain such. No plans of listing E. Condiments. 3) ETs revenue mix 8211 70 open market, 26 SRTC (state road transport companies) and 4 exports. Gross margin are 26, 35, 38 respectively. Debtor days are 40-60 days, 90 days and 90 days with LC respectively. CVs constitute 96 of revenue and 4 comes from PVs. Retreading is gaining traction led by improving awareness, brand creation by players like ET, Indag etc. and cost consciousness for fleet owners. A new truck tyre costs 20k, while retreaded tyre costs 5k and has 80 life of new tyre. Value chain 8211 fleet owners give tyres to dealersretreaders, who in turn procure retreading material from players like ET and do the retreading and give it back to fleet owners. Most retreaders in the market are non-exclusive i. e. they work for all players. Pre-cured retreading is used for CVs, PVs, etc. while hot retreading is used for OTRs, mining vehicles etc. which run on hard surfaces and required more strenuous working. Globally too hot and pre cured retreading technologies are used. There hasn8217t been any material change in technology over many years. 4)50 of replacement demand is met by retreaded tyres in India. Globally that is much higher 8211 in US it is 80 retreaded tyres. Gradually India will move higher towards retreaded tyres as awareness of its benefits increases and also these are environmentally more efficient. So over time share of retreaded tyres will go up. Retreading industry in India is a 3200 cr. industry 8211 50 organized 8211 organized growing at 10 volume growth. This growth is likely to sustain with some gradually shift from unorganised segment. GST can provide a fillip to this shift. ETs volume growth in FY16 was 10. Apollo, MRF etc are looking to enter retreading space 8211 but they don8217t see this as a threat. One these guys have a conflict as they also sell tyres and secondly it8217s too small an industry for them. However, globally there is a big retreading market but it8217s also a very matured. India will take years for tyre OEMs to look at this industry meaningfully. 5)They are in the process of changing their distribution network from only distributors to a mix of distributors and exclusive franchisees. In FY16, 10 of revenue came through franchisees in FY16 (6 in FY15) and they expect it to go up to 40 in FY17. They currently have 46 franchisees and will keep adding these. The advantage is they can charge higher prices by 15-20 through exclusive franchisees and also save on channel margin. This results in 5 higher gross margin. For instance, earlier Midas was selling at 140kg and ET at 120. now ET is able to sell at 170kg. Elgi Rubber currently follows this model of exclusive franchisees. While Indag was following this model but moved to distributor model as they found it difficult to scale it up. In franchisee model the other benefits are there is good brand loyalty and they can control the entire ecosystem and ensure better sales and servicing. However, scalability is an issue which ET is trying to address through ensuring focus on each franchisee and incentivising franchisees by ensuring minimum business etc. 6)They also have 2 retreading centres in Chennai and Bangalore which showcase retreading process and also act as brand centres. They also have Infinity Zones which are for brand visibility and are premium outlets. These outlets also provide marketing support to retreaders. They also organize fleet owners campaigns in each regions wherein they call 100-150 fleet owners and they educate them about the benefits of retreaded tyres and other services and also hear their feedback. This way they are able to get closer to fleet owners. This has helped them target fleet owners directly in some regions rather than depending on retreaders. ET is looking to position itself as a one stop solution for retreading 8211 supply of quality retread material, accessories (gum, cement etc.), maintenance of machinery, skilled labour availability, marketing and awareness of retreading. They have started outsourcing machinery mfg and they supply these machines to retreaders 8211 this ensure consistent good quality material and retreaded tyres. It will not involve any major capex. They also have a training institute where they train labour. 7)Management focus has increased considerably in the last few years and they have also inducted professionals which has led to the above changes. Also earlier the Meeran family was only focused on E. Condiments. But now Mccormick as partner and also that company having stabilized, it will help increase their focus on ET. Raw material price movement is a pass through 1 month lag 8211 so price risk is limited to 1 month. Typically gross margin will improve in times of falling rubber prices and vice versa because of numerator denominator effect. In case of retreaders, falling rubber prices is helpful as they typically don8217t pass on that benefit while they take up the prices in times of rising rubber prices. Rubber prices have shot up 40 in Mar-Apr821716 8211 they have taken a price hike of 11 in May821716 8211 this will largely cover the raw material price hike, they expect rubber prices to correct going forward and eventually not impact gross margin over time. 8)Long term vision is to achieve no. 2 position. Their target is to maintain RMsales ratio of 65 (66.5 in FY15-16). Over time they can do gross margin of 37-38. Current capacity of 12000 MT and utilisation of 45. They can reach 60 utilisation in FY17. They can do 200 cr. revenue with current capacity and 5 cr. capex. Capex of 7-8 cr. over 2 years 8211 5 cr. on capacity and 2-3 cr. on automation at plants. Maintenance capex of 50 lacs. Exports is 4 of revenue and they are targeting to grow it big. This year they are participating in 5 major exhibitions in Germany, Hannover, Kuala Lumpur Delhi etc. They are targeting 50 p. a. growth in exports. No salary is paid to directors as all are family members and most of them own shares in the company. Also they are not actively involved in the running of the business. Discounting trend is up as market is slow. Discount is accounted for as part of other expenses. OPM declined 230bps QoQ in Q4FY16 owing to higher promotion expenses on franchisee ramp up and higher staff costs (bonus). While Chinese tyre imports is a threat, their retreadability is bad. Also quality of tyres is bad and is considered unsafe and these tyres breakdown also a lot. They don8217t have any plans of entering any other segment. Indag Rubber has not increased prices post expiry of excise exemption 8211 they will be bearing the costs. No plans of fund raising or increasing promoter stake. KSIDC which holds 11.75 stake is looking to exit and any day expect a big fat bulk deal to happen. No dividend distribution policy in place. Btw: As it can be seen it takes huge efforts to dig into small unheard companies which can be the bluechips of tomorrow. No Reliance or boring Hind Unilever can provide you the kind of money which can help you retire rich early. About to launch some SEBI compliant small and midcap services only meant for long term patient disciplined investors. Do fill the form if that interests you. Happy investing folks. Note: For issues or assistance kindly contact Dipendu at 9007652301. Its been a long time since the blog got updated. Life has changed for good after the launch of Sharebazaar android app. Search Share Bazaar Arun in playstore to download it. In a very short time as you know folks we attained the scale of nearly 30000 subscribers, without resorting to any publicity or marketing gimmick. From conferences to conducting pan India workshops, many things kept me occupied. Soon, will be conducting International workshops, starting from Dubai shortly. Sebi too definitely stood out in terms of screwing the retailers in a better manner. Hence, wont like to name any stocks but hints may just help you to make out the names and dig further on the stories. 1) Been mighty impressed with the Chinese compounder which has also recently changed its name to signify its renewed focus. The parent has achieved an astounding track record of growing 65 CAGR in the last 20 years or so. The Chinese parent quoted at an average PE of over 50 since its listing. Even if it can do a fraction of what parent has done, the stock which comes with almost nil floating stock, would move in a different orbit. Its been a doubler since my Twitter rantspany has recently bagged big orders from IFB and Symphony. Companys fortunes are further set to change as its biggest clients are shifting base from countries like Australia to outsource everything from India. Should keep outperforming coz of its 500crs expansion, parentage and growth prospects. Expensive at present levels but with its expected 50 bottom line growth for next 3-4 years, stock presents an interesting opportunity at slight dips. Its debt free as on date with market cap of around 800crs. Results which should be outstanding comes on 30th May. 2) The desi cloud player hailing from chennai has been a favourite of mine for the last 3 years. Company recently delivered decent set of numbers. Exclude the employee costs and it would look awesome. The company also refrains from taking any orders with gross margins beneath 65-70. Its a massively scalable business with cumulative addressable market size of 2.5 lakh cr which is crazily expanding and set to expand further at 26-30 for coming atleast 5 years. Operating leverage coupled with strong rich tailwinds and an ultra super sales guy( He had started off with a staff of three people in Singapore for Satyam in 2000, and went on to scale up the business into 15 development centres and 33 sales offices across 20 countries with over 4,000 employees. Quit to join HCL-D uring his time, HCLs growth in the region was spectacular,60 percent year-on-year growth, for instance. It became the fastest growing region for HCL) makes a perfect recipe for a potential multibagger. The fiscal 2016-17 should be the best for them. Oh yeah in case the same gold standard honcho resigns, spare no time in exiting it right away. That remains the biggest risk of this particular company. Its debt free as on date with market cap of around 2000crs. 3) Had an amazing Sharebazaar whole day workshop in Cochin recently. Had some spare time which was coolly utilised in visiting the areas of Gods own country. Did get a chance to get glimpses of this companys plant. It comes with a highly credible management which is doing everything possible to create loads of shareholders wealth. Tyre Retreading is gaining traction led by improving awareness, brand creation by the players and cost consciousness for fleet owners. A new truck tyre costs 20k, while retreaded tyre costs 5k and has 80 life of new tyre. They are in the process of changing their distribution network from only distributors to a mix of distributors and exclusive franchisees. In FY16 10 of revenue came through franchisees in FY16 (6 in FY15) and they expect it to go up to 40 in FY17. They currently have 46 franchisees and will keep adding these. The advantage is they can charge higher prices by 15-20 through exclusive franchisees and also save on channel margin. This results in 5 higher gross margin. For instance, earlier Midas was selling at 140kg and the company at 120. now It is able to sell at 170kg. Company is almost debt free as far the long term debts are concerned. Company is set to grow at 30 CAGR for next 5 years. Tyre radialization would be a big theme to watch out for and look no further to ride the theme. Keralas Buffett did make it expensive with his tweets but long term prospects look more than robust. Marketcap stands at around 60crs. 4) It so happened was hell bent on searching for a player which is snatching market share from a giant. Jivanjor, the adhesive player seemed the best fit and I continued with my research. For Scuttlebutt means, interacted with lot of dealers and sales managers but the result wasnt that appealing. Finally, ended my research after a former sales manager disclosed a lot of uninspiring stuff which forced him to quit the company. He also mentioned of his new company and how it has kept him motivated to the extent which has led to a scorching 70 growth in his region. Incidentally, the same company happened to be a listed one which at that time had a tiny Marketcap of just 15crs. The company with a brand name of Euro 7000,is into white glue adhesives, scaled up 11x in the last 5 years and looking to achieve a 100crs bounty by next 2 years. Company got a phenomenal product named D3 which takes 60kgs to provide the required bond while Fevicol does the same in 100 kgs. They have pricing power, got a gross margin of 45-50 and spends a fortune in its marketing front. Company also posses a very strong supply and distribution reach of 7000 dealers in 13 states and 130 cities. Fevicol, over the last couple of years acquired similar companies by paying over 2x Sales. Stock since then has more than doubled with present Marketcap still at a paltry figure of 40crs. Promoters shareholding where 97 of it was pledged has recently been fully released. 5)Its not even required to pen anything for this one. Prem Watsa with his large investments in it, opines craftly. In 2010 Nahoosh Jariwala and three childhood friends and their families were holidaying together at a tiger reserve in Central India. Nahoosh and his older cousin Rajan had founded the company in 1985 and listed it on the BSE in 1995. While Nahoosh had big dreams for the business, Rajan was not so keen, so while still on the holiday Nahoosh8217s three friends decided they would buy out Rajan and support Nahoosh8217s aggressive growth plans. Over the following five years until we came to hear of This company, Nahoosh had exponentially grown its manufacturing capacity from 8,000 to 45,000 metric tons per annum. It is an oleo chemicals company. Oleo chemicals are, broadly, chemicals that are derived from plant or animal fat, which can be used for making both edible products and non-edible products. In recent years the production of oleo chemicals has been moving from the U. S. Europe and Japan to Asian countries because of the local availability of key raw materials. It occupies a unique niche in this large global playing field. It has developed an in-house technology that uses machinery manufactured by leading European companies to convert waste generated during the production of soy, sunflower, corn and cotton oil into valuable chemicals. Those chemicals include acids that go into non-edible products like soap, detergents, personal care products and paints, and other products that are used in the manufacture of health foods and vitamin E. The company8217s customers include major multinational companies including BASF, Archer Daniels Midland, Cargill, Advanced Organic Materials, IFFCO Chemicals and Asian Paints. Co operates out of a single plant in Ahmedabad. It has the largest processing capacity for natural soft oil-based fatty acids in India. Over the last ten years, sales have grown at 23 per year to 27 million, and profit after tax has grown at 30 per year to 2.3 million. On February 8, 2016 we purchased 45 stake from the three friends of Nahoosh and other shareholders at rupees 212 (3.12) per share. My two cents: A tremendous scalable business with high entry barriers. Present headwinds provides an opportunity of a lifetime for value seekers looking to multiply capital over the next 5 years. Btw: We are set to launch some interesting services only meant for long term investors. Interested guys pls mail at arunsharemarketgmail for details. Also you can whatsapp dip at 9007652301. Happy investing folks. Seminars and workshops: About to have long 8 hours Investors Workshop in places like Delhi, Hyderbad and Kolkata over the coming 3 weeks. Do pen a mail at arunsharemarketgmail if you interested in being a part of it. In last Mumbai Workshop, the themes of Jute got discussed and Cheviot incidentally was quoting at about 700 then. Lets pen what attracted me in this company. Note: This days am pretty much occupied with the workshops and seminars which we are having Pan India. The latest venture Share Bazaar Android App has been a huge hit with nearly 30000 downloads over the last few months. Blogs are about to be obsolete owing to technological advancements and hence the decision to migrate everything in the App. Do download the app guys if you havent done yet. Just search Share Bazaar Arun in play store. Quote: Cheviot Company is one of the prime examples of a corporate that makes a lot of money from green fibre and sound investments. Harsh Vardhan Kanoria has created Gold out of an Industry, on which the Sun had literally set with the departure of the British in 1947.Today, with its processing units and a turnover exceeding Rs 265 crore, Cheviot Company makes more money out of Jute and its Corporate Investments, in a year, than most companies would ever make in their lifetime. While Kolkata may hold a different meaning for different people, for the current owners of Cheviot-the Kanoria family, the Sun Never Set On Jute even with the collapse of the British empire. Introduction: Cheviot Company Limited (CCL) which was incorporated in 1897, is the flagship company of the Cheviot group, which has interests in the jute, tea, and leather businesses. CCL manufactures high-value jute yarn and fabrics, such as precision-wound fine jute yarn, sacking cloth, hessian cloth and bags, sacking bags (for packing food grains and other allied purposes), and superior hessian cloth. Spearheaded by Mr. H. V. Kanoria under whose leadership the group has shown exemplary performance year after year. He is an eminent industrialist with 40 years of vast experience in successfully handling Jute, Tea and Leather Industries. The company also ventured into new product category by adding jute shopping bags in their existing product lines. The company caters to both the export and domestic markets. It has two manufacturing units in West Bengal: one in Budge Budge and one in the Falta Special Economic Zone (export-oriented unit). Demand for eco-friendly bags: The demand for green products jute goods like gardening products, shopping bags, geo-textile, pulp and paper, home textiles, floor covering and non-woven textiles is very high at the consumers8217 level in the international market due to the growing awareness about environment. Of those products, jute-made shopping bags are now the best-selling items. Many countries like the United States (US) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have already gone for replacement of plastic shopping bags by jute-made shopping bags. The demand for eco-friendly bags is also increasing in Western Europe, Australasia, Middle East, Asia and African countries. The global market size of jute-made shopping bags will be 500 billion pieces, equivalent to seven million tonnes of jute products, in the coming days, as efforts are on to totally stop use of polythene or plastic materials all over the world because of their adverse impact on environment. Fibre of the future: Composite and Compounded materials from man-made fibres (i. e. glass fiber, carbon fiber etc.) are already available as products for consumer and industrial uses. Jute is one such natural fiber that can reduce the impact on the environment. It is available in abundance, strong and is increasingly being referred to as the 8220fiber of the future8221. Jute filled PP composites are today being successfully used for various components and materials. India is still largely an agrarian economy, which needs to generate massive employment in rural areas for a rapidly growing population. Technological breakthroughs such as jute-filled PP compounds show the way for economic development of the masses by marrying state-of-the - art technology and research with cash crops to create rural and industrial prosperity. New Advancement in Jute Compound: Bengaluru-based STEER makes new advancement in jute compounds that ca help in use of fibre in automobile parts (under-the hood),housing construction materials or even microwaveable cooking containers. This New compound can have ripple effect not only on the jute sector, but the entire India economy by opening up a huge market opportunity. Jute polymers to provide excellent opportunity for new sunrise industry to emerge, creation of thousands of jobs in West Bengal, Orissa and Bihar. The popularisation of jute polymers is expected to help provide a major thrust to the Government8217s Make in India campaign, by popularising new usage of jute in other sectors, thus stimulating industrial activity. Jute polymers are certain to greatly benefit the jute industry with its ability to transform the traditional use of jute for modern day products, thus, touching human lives. Advantage over Bangladesh :India and Bangladesh together accounts for the 95 of worlds jute production. The cost of producing quality yarn is 40 per cent higher in Bangladesh than in India because of the technological disadvantages. India has set up composite jute mills with modern machinery and technologies for production of fabrics, dyeing or lamination under one roof. Bangladesh has nearly 250 jute mills, but none of them has the dyeing and lamination facilities, which are essential to producing diversified products, according to exporters. Potential for an anti-dumping tax: Around 125 lakh bales of jute sacks are needed just to package crop seeds in India. Indian jute mills can produce only 25 lakh bales of jute. The Indian Jute Mill Association (IJMA) has already pleaded for an anti-dumping tax in case Bangladeshi goods enter India. The Indian jute commission is considering the plea, and is soon to give a decision about it. This decision is aiming provide a monopoly to Indian jute mill owners which is a very big positive as there are barely few survivors in the industry. Jute Particle Board: They are used as substitutes for wood. The availability of the technologies for producing particleboards and its high socio-economic value are arguments in favour of the future development of this product. The use of wood in house construction, furniture, etc. is slowly being discouraged due to environmental reasons. The use of jute particle board as a substitute has been found to be quite acceptable both in terms of quality and price. Strong Financial Risk Profile: CRISILs ratings on the bank facilities of Cheviot Co Ltd (CCL) continue to reflect CCLs strong financial risk profile, marked by a robust net worth, low reliance on external debt and strong liquidity. The ratings also factor in the strong business risk profile, with an established market position in the jute industry, a diversified product profile, and a wide distribution network. Jute has always been a dull and boring sector. However, several positive advancement drew my attention to this sector. Several innovations ranging from diversified uses of Jute and Jute compounds (as discussed above) implies a turning tables for this sector. Also there has been a rise in demand for jute products all across the globe. Several countries have already banned use of plastic bags in their grocery markets and shopping malls. Thus, demand has been projected to increase 50 times within next five years if the eco-friendly trend continues. Potential for an anti-dumping tax which is a game changer, would provide a monopoly to Indian jute mill owners as there are barely few players in the industry. Recently MD of Gloster (one of the leading Jute players) emphasized in an interview that this is a 8216golden period8217 for the jute industry with several sectoral tailwinds. He guided a robust rise in export demand in coming quarters. He also said that the upcoming quarters will see a very sleek growth which they have never seen before. Concerns: Adverse regulatory changes in the jute industry may impact the top line and thus the regulatory risk would always prevail. Revenues coming in from exports have been a significant rise in past several quarters, fluctuations in currency can pose a threat. Also the RM prices which is Raw jute been on a recent upswing which can put pressure on its margins. Financials: Company over the past 5 years have grown its topline and bottomline at a CAGR of 8 and 13 respectively. But the half yearly results of 2015-16 presents an entirely different picture where the company has delivered an impressive sales growth of 25 to register a figure of 150crs vs 120crs. Profits have more than doubled to 23crs vs 11crs. The third quarter numbers probably should be the best since its inception. Conclusion: I liked Cheviot for its attractive valuations (in terms of EV) along with strong financial risk profile, marked by a robust net worth and low reliance on external debt. It has huge investments and cash on book worth Rs. 200 Cr and it8217s almost debt free. Thus, on EV basis it is available at a very reasonable price. Currently it is quoting at a 6 forward PE and given the tailwinds even a meagre rerating up to 10 PE would make it move way higher. Promoters are owning 75 stake of the company. CCL has also been very generous with its consistent 20 dividend pay-out policy in past 5 years. So even dividends will be 2x with 100 rise in bottom line. Also, CCL doesn8217t needs any capex and has huge reserves so one can expect another bonus due to low equity base. (Last bonus was in 2006).There are very few listed players in Jute industry in India. All are with very tiny equities and limited floating stock. So even average accumulation can make them run into circuits. BTW:For different stock market related services and also for techno-Funda tutorials, rush a mail at my mail id arunsharemarketgmail to know more about it. Note: The above is not a research report but assimilation of information available on public domain and it should not be treated as a research report. Registration status with SEBI: I am not registered with SEBI under the (Research Analyst) regulations 2014 and as per clarifications provided by SEBI: 8220Any person who makes recommendation or offers an opinion concerning securities or public offers only through public media is not required to obtain registration as research analyst under RA Regulations8221 Disclosure: It is safe to assume that I might have Cheviot in my portfolio and hence my point of view can be biased. Readers should consult registered consultants before making any investments. After the launch of my Share Bazaar android app, the workload has increased many a times. Hardly theres any time to do blogging. As you all know the app has been a huge hit with downloads been nearly 25000 in a very small time. For the uninitiated, to download-go to play store and search Share Bazaar Arun. Do give your reviews and ratings folks. Microsec Financial Services AGM Notes (QampA) E-commerce Divisions:- 1. Are we planning to raise Private Equity for both our E-Commerce division Ans: We were anxious when we started both e-com divisions but in retrospect we believe it was one of the greatest decision we ever made. Usually in a typical e-commerce start up, it takes huge amount of cash burning to achieve a GMV of 100crs but we are aiming to achieve that feet by remaining debt free. We are going to set a benchmark by achieving this only from a single state in India (West Bengal) which has been unprecedented in the world of E-commerce. And yes we are looking to raise money for both the verticals. 2. What is the USP of our E-com Services Will ban on selling online medicine(if at all happens) affect us Ans: The USP of the company is our last mile delivery where 99 of the logistics costs are borne by the franchises. (Company gave the examples of newspaper where the logistics costs are Zero.) We dont sell prescribed drugs online. Sastasundar forwards the lead to its offline brickampmortar franchisehealthbuddies and they deliver the order to the customer. Its just a lead generation medium. 3. As medspa, Apollo pharmacy, netmeds, pm ventures are all in the same business as Sastasunder, What are we doing to thwart competition Ans: Competition makes business and the arena is too large. The retail pharmacy market is worth over 70000crs and theres a room for everyone to have their own pie. 4. We are entering Karnataka. What would be the strategy Are we also entering other states Ans: Strategy is to repeat what we are doing in Kolkata. Sastasundar will further expand in Mumbai and other big cities by 2016. 5. In medicine distribution we need large inventories. Even we supply the inventory to our franchise owners. How are we playing it Are we ready for addition in future debt Ans: Company is against too much debt however we may need some for taking care of our WC requirements. 6. What is the ratio of repeat customers to new customers What are we doing to retain our old customers Ans: Repeat Customers contribute to 75 of the present top line. Company is taking all initiatives to retain its existing customers. 7. What is the credit cycle from where we procure the medicines Ans: (Didnt gave a clear answer but hinted of a good credit cycle once they garner in big volumes) 8. How many franchises we have till date What is out average franchise revenue What is the number of franchise we are looking to add over the coming few years Ans: 87 in total, 81 franchise and 6 company owned stores. Company looking to appoint more franchises. Aims for a number of 225 within the next fiscal. 9. What is the ebitda margin we will have after counting for 15 discounts and 8 commission to franchises How can we compete with the retail pharmacist stores Ans: Our medicine distribution margins are 30. The retail pharmacist averages margin of around 20. So theres nothing to worry on that front. Sastasundar makes around 7. 10. How many brands are attached with foreseegames as on date Ans: Its around 120 and yes the target is to tieup with 500 brands ASAP. 11. We brag about 11 lakh users in foresee then why is the revenue is not even 50 lakhs Ans: Foreseegame will see increased monetization from Brand partners going forward, however current strategy is more focused on acquiring more brand partners. 12. Foreseegame itself is engaging but the worst part is we have just 33k likes Facebook on user base of 1.1 million. Why arent we looking at it One of our peer latestone came into the arena much later yet they have 7-8 lakh fans in no time and increasing at a rapid speed. Ans: (The Company appreciated the fact and promised to look into the issue at the earliest.) 13. Why arent we marketing enough We dont see foresee ads in TVs. They are nowhere. We havent even done a SEO, let alone AdWords. Nobody can see us if they Google up online games. Why is it so Ans: Not fond of marketing in the television world. SEO and other needed necessities are actively looked upon which will help the company to increase its users. 14. Have we got a break even target in our verticals When we will break even in e-com verticals Ans: Company looking to break even by fy17-18. Both e-com verticals are exceeding expectations as of now. 15. Do we make profit from every transaction What is the ratio of our private level biz to the medicine biz What is the margin we make from our private biz Ans: We are making profit from most transactions, if not all. The ratio is hardly much to talk about as of now. Private level business margins around 50. 16. What about our recent launches: chef on and others Are we seeing any traction What has been the acceptance of our customers Ans: Chefon: the made to order segment has seen immediate traction after its recent launch. Company is getting 400-500 enquires on a daily basis. 17. In Foreseegame we often provide Sastasunder currency to our game buddies which in turn inflates the topline. Out of 21crs topline in Sastasunder, what has been its contribution last fiscal Ans: That is less than half a percent of the total turnover. 18. Any revenue guidance for foresee and Sastasunder in the present fiscal Next year 17 and by 2020 Ans: Foreseegame should more than double its turnover this year. Sastasundars GMV should be heading to 100crs within the next few quarters. 19. Zapak games recently got valued at 1000crs, be it alexa rank or minutes spend in the site it8217s beneath foreseegame by every standard. Are we looking to unlock value by divesting a stake Ans: Lot of offers from private equity. Foreseegame will dilute in favour of a private equity to unlock value. Should be done at a good valuation. 20. Ironically whenever we announce our results, we see our stock being hammered owing to higher losses. Would we see the same in future Ans: (We aren8217t bothered about stock prices or market cap. The company is in a solid footing and with time, the right valuation should definitely chip in.) Financial Services Division:- 21. It8217s been quite a while since the demergerdivestment news was announced by the company. When is it actually happening Ans: Our core was finance and its a pretty emotional decision to hive off the same. However, we believe in being ahead of the time and hence will soon do what8217s best for the business. 22. We have a capital employed of over 100crs in the financial vertical. We have got large holdings running worth several Crs. We did a PAT of 10crs. Its a brand with intangibles adding up to a good few Crs. Tailwinds are blowing with few recent brokerage deals. Sudhir Valia acquiring fortune financial at 35crs and Sudip banerjee buying out JRG sec at 100crs. So we should get a good valuation right Ans: (They appreciated the fact and hinted about a good deal coming soon. Fathoming the body language, it seems like they will just sell the finance arm rather than demerging it as the full focus is on ECOM.) 23. Presuming we will sell out the Financial Services Division as admitted by Mr mittal earlier, how are we going to deploy that money Would it be fully on Ecom Or can there be a special onetime dividend Ans: As of now we are not in favour of a dividend as the stock price would just adjust it immediately. The money received would be deployed in the ECOM ventures. 24. Promoters own 71 in the company as on date, bit below the max permissible limit of 75. Why arent you buying out the rest This fiscal year the promoters hardly bought anything. Ans: Microsec is the only stock we acquired in last few years. We desire to own the maximum permissible limit of 75 soon. 25. We had an internal target of achieving a billion dollar market cap by 2020. How achievable does it look under the present juncture. Ans: Futile to discuss about market cap at the present juncture. We believe in long term wealth generation for the stakeholders. 26. Is there any chances of selling out fully provided we get an extravagant offer, at a much premium to the present price Ans: No chances of selling out in the next 5 years. What I Perceive: Finance business to be sold soon and then in due course would be demerged in two separate companies. Sastasundar and Foresee to be separately listed in the future. P. s:Please refrain from asking buyingselling stuff. BTW:For different stock market related services and also for techno-Funda tutorials, rush a mail at my mail id arunsharemarketgmail to know more about it. Note: The above is not a research report but assimilation of information available on public domain and it should not be treated as a research report. Registration status with SEBI: I am not registered with SEBI under the (Research Analyst) regulations 2014 and as per clarifications provided by SEBI: 8220Any person who makes recommendation or offers an opinion concerning securities or public offers only through public media is not required to obtain registration as research analyst under RA Regulations8221 Disclosure: It is safe to assume that I might have MICROSEC in my portfolio and hence my point of view can be biased. Readers should consult registered consultants before making any investments. Subscription to ArunthestocksguruHere8217s a revolutionary new tool that will help you to better understand and apply Elliott Wave Theory. It8217s just one of the tools Cristina Ciurea uses to squeeze money out of the markets like toothpaste from a brand new tube. I8217ve been lucky enough to test this one out myself and it8217s truly a work . 22. February 2012 Yesterday, I shared a report with you from Cristina Ciurea. 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